Sports & Puppies Party 2025
[pt] As matinés (17h-20h) Sports & Puppies Party têm como principal objetivo captar os muitos jovens que não se reveem no fetichismo leather e rubber, antes sports e puppies. Procuramos, igualmente, dar resposta a todos os que não se sentem à vontade a juntar-se a nós publicamente no Bar Tr3s ou que, por razões profissionais, trabalham aos sábados. A correr bem, o formato será replicado ao longo do ano em datas a definir.
[eng] The matinées (17h-20h) Sports & Puppies Party have as main objective to attract young people who don't see themselves as leather and rubber fetishists (there are many around us), but rather sports and puppies. Additionally, we try to give an answer to all of whom don’t feel comfortable joining us publicly at Bar Tr3s, or for professional reasons, work on Saturdays. As an experimental activity, if successful, will be replicated throughout the year on dates to be scheduled.